Thermohair Inc

Mohair socks trademarked under "thermohair" in 1990, I set out to develop mohair socks, which came on the market in the fall of 1992, the first in North America. I had been raising the goats since 1983 and knew that the fibre would be perfect for feet. I have never looked back. Those in the industry told me my idea would never work and here it is 32 years later and still going strong. Mohair is the fibre sheared from a single breed of goat, the Angora. The mohair is combined with nylon to form a blend with spring and stretch. Over the years, I have seen the exodus of textile mills, but these socks are still knit in Ontario. We sort them for flaws, size, dye them wacky colours, and label them for sale. They are the original unique socks made with the hair sheared from the kid goats, making them very soft, warm and durable. The prices range from $25 to $49 including HST. We also have toques and scarves. I have added a new blend of mohair/merino which provides the fuller feeling on the foot. I'm a post graduate of U of Guelph and have been exhibiting at fair November for over 28 years.


Theresa Bergeron
south mountain

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