HANDCRAFTED WAX LANTERNS IN SUBLIME COMBINATIONS OF TEXTURES AND COLOURS In our 25th year, what makes our work unique is that we combine two beloved centuries-old disciplines: Architectural/stained glass artistry AND candle making, together for a captivating glow . . . cohesively engineered to re-use with simple tea-lights (or battery-operated LED lights), for beauty, functionality and relaxation for years to come! Further interweaved, is the art of hand-scripted poignant (or cheeky) narratives, a rare personal touch in the digital world. The following timeless verse by a favourite 19th century poet, continue to encapsulate the unfolding of our new designs: "Who is there to take up my duties?" asked the setting sun. "I shall do what I can, my Master," said the Earthen lamp. (Tagore) We utilize heritage artisanal "slow process" techniques, working in small batches, and draw from our background in Commercial Art and Graphic Design, George Brown College of Applied Arts and Technology (where we met). Our compositions further emerge from a profound appreciation of the mosaics of life . . . elements from nature, art, poetry, literature, the deep human spirit, and of course, the dance of light. Award winning, the only product of its kind! Our work is not available in any stores/no shipping, and ONLY available at our curated shows exclusively. We are always grateful for you coming and sharing good vibes! Price range $29-$39 Fair November student pricing- 10% discount with student card
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